Evacuation and alerting

Emergencies happen every day. Whether it’s natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, flooding or a security breach that puts employees on your premises at risk, it’s always better to be prepared. Whilst we cannot always predict unforeseen incidents, we can use technology to facilitate and implement efficient emergency processes.



The confluence of Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet of Things may be seen as the sunrise on a new digital revolution for manufacturing organisations and the birth of Internet of Things Data as a Service (IoTDaaS).


Data aggregation

I watched a recent video posted to a news network which showed a policeman in the USA discussing with the householder why the parents needed to persuade their daughter to remove inflammatory social media posts. Whilst the content was fascinating from a news perspective, more interesting, (to me anyway), was the fact that the video feed was shot from the in-vehicle CCTV, parked several metres away, but the audio was from the policeman’s vest microphone. The audio was clear, crisp and captured clearly the conversation from all parties gathered near the front door. (more…)

Need for diversity in geographical areas

Businesses are demanding that the information needed to analyse and monitor elements within their industries, are delivered in real-time. Many mobile units, such as vehicles rely on separate network connections to move information from disparate systems sources. The result is a mobile units often maintain a variety of data sources across multiple cellular networks. This makes for very expensive connectivity in a single unit and may discourage organisations from collating more information which, in turn, leads to a better informed and more agile business decisions. The need for a unified hub that aggregates and manages the data and that can in turn be centrally configured and managed remotely in real-time is an interesting and compelling story.



Simoco Wireless Solutions, a leading mission critical communications manufacturer have recently announced the launch of Velocity providing customers an all in one intelligent communications platform. Velocity gives organisations a dedicated platform for managing mission critical voice and data communications and is suitable for an array of markets including but not limited to utilities and mining, transportation and cash and valuables in transit, public safety and government.
