Simoco Wireless Solutions a proud member of Australian Radio Communications Industry Association (ARCIA), was delighted with the announcement of Connie Taylor being the first female to receive the highest recognition in the industry for the Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (JLS) award.
The ARCIA body represents members across the two way radio, Internet of Things (IoT), cellular and broadband technology industries. It supports the innovative and sustainable Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in Australia.
Connie joined the business radio industry at a young age having worked at Motorola Australasia. Hard work and determination allowed Connie to progress in managing the bids and tender responses ensuring accuracy and professionalism. Her passion for the role and belief that her role would help change the landscape of the market has continued and this has certainly paid off as we know today.
Joining Vertel, Connie took responsibility well beyond the core remit of her role in supporting the Victorian sales and service operation and this has continued into her role as the executive administrator role for the Simoco Wireless Solutions business spanning across 10 years. Connie’s achievement is built through utmost respect and support for her colleagues and her ability to consider all workers in the company. Her dedication has been at the forefront of helping customers obtain results.
Peter Scarlata, CEO Simoco Australasia said “There is no doubt that Connie wholeheartedly deserves this prestigious award. Throughout her career she has dedicated herself to the PMR industry and has been particularly active in pushing change for the industry’s benefit. She is a true inspiration to her peers and embodies everything this award is all about”.
Mike Norfield, Group CEO of Simoco Wireless Solutions said “Connie has been a great member of the team to the Simoco business for many years. What sets her apart is her continued commitment and professional approach to the business and wider industry. On behalf of the wider management team I would like to congratulate Connie on her award, which was presented at the ARCIA 2019 dinner on 28 November 2019. I wish her all the best in her future career, and I’m certain the role she plays in the business radio industry will continue to be a successful one.”
Christian Kelly who presented the award said “The JLS recognises, service, loyalty, respect, leadership and support to the industry and Connie Taylor is a worthy recipient of this award for 2019.”
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