What is analogue?
Analogue radio systems today still represent the backbone of radio communications deployments worldwide. Simoco Wireless Solutions’ ongoing commitment to support customers with their communications needs has resulted in a significant portfolio of analogue radio products.
Today as we enter an age of high digital uptake, many organisations still only require the capabilities that analogue systems provide – effective communications technologies at affordable prices. Then, for organisations that have embraced the advantages of digital communications, there is still typically a long migration period from old to new technology.
Our solutions
All Simoco Wireless Solutions terminals support analogue modes of operation to facilitate the easiest possible move from analogue and to enable legacy system support post-migration.
As well as conventional analogue systems, the Simoco Wireless Solutions portfolio of radio products also support the hugely successful and widely deployed MPT1327 trunking system technology. MPT1327 systems are deployed worldwide and still today provide the foundation of essential services communications systems. In addition to the Simoco Wireless Solutions range of portable and mobile radios providing conventional and MPT1327 functionality, the latest range of DMR and P25 terminals also support analogue modes of operation.