What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing has long been a buzzword within the tech industry. The basic concept of edge computing is simple. Edge computing architecture shifts key processing tasks away from a centralised location and pushes them to servers and devices on the other outer "edges" of the network. Under this framework, much of the data being gathered from edge endpoints never makes its way back to the network core for processing and analysis. This data is processed almost immediately by local computing resources, allowing devices and applications on the edge to react to changing circumstances and shifting demand very quickly.

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Why Edge Computing?

Enhanced speed

Enhanced speed and latency

From a performance perspective, edge computing can deliver much faster response times. That is because locating key processing functions closer to end users significantly reduces latency. With edge computing framework, the processing is handled much closer to the source of data. Devices can respond much faster since they spend less time waiting for data packets to traverse the distance from the edge to the core and then back again.

Cost savings

Cost savings and bandwidth relief

Not all data is the same and does not contain the same value. Edge computing allows you to categorise your data by keeping more data on the network edge. Overall, the volume of traffic flowing to and from central servers is reduced. This frees up the much-needed bandwidth throughout the entire system, eliminating bottlenecks and unnecessary processing tasks.

Improve security

Improved security

Although edge computing expands the overall network surface area and increases the number of end points, this doesn't necessarily mean there are more vulnerabilities to exploit. Of course, that still means IoT edge devices should be properly secured but the distributed nature of edge networks makes them much more difficult to compromise. If a breach occurs in one area, the compromised portions of the network can be cordoned off without having to shut everything else down.

Improve reliability

Improved reliability

Since edge computing architecture distributes processing tasks throughout the network, it tends to be more resilient that centralised systems. In traditional networks, everything goes down when the main servers experience downtime because all services and applications rely on them for instructions and processing. Edge computing frameworks, on the other hand, are far less consolidated. Even if the core servers are forced to go offline briefly, many essential services can still be delivered on the edge thanks to a combination of location processing and regional data centres.

Contact an Edge Computing specialist to obtain expert consultation on how to build your custom edge solution