Oil and Gas

Companies operating in the oil and gas sector work in some of the most inaccessible and harsh environments on the planet. Whether operations are on or off-shore, locations need to overcome remote field operations which span large distances where cellular coverage can be intermittent or non-existent, and where installing wired networks has significant cost implications.

Today’s oil and gas operators need to do more than just monitor and control operations across these vast areas. To remain competitive, network optimisation and the streamlining of procedures such as maintenance and routine upgrading are also essential.

What is our approach?

Simoco Wireless Solutions appreciates that oil and gas companies often use a mix of interconnecting technologies with their own benefits and limitations. Cellular systems such as GPS can be patchy. Other, unlicensed radio frequencies are often prone to interference and overcrowding, and can leave companies exposed in emergency situations.

The necessity of intrinsically safe or ATEX approved devices are also critical where flammable products are in operation.

By combining voice and data transmission across a single resilient network, we can intelligently unify these communication technologies, bringing vast pipelines and network assets under a single smart grid structure.

What are the results?

By placing voice and data communications at the heart of a secure unified communications network, oil and gas companies can leverage real time information to optimise processes, maximise outputs and improve the lifecycle of assets. The delivery of proactive maintenance programmes and the remote implementation of commands and updates become far easier, even across huge pipelines.

Unified communications from Simoco Wireless Solutions will grant your organisation valuable insight and control over your pipelines and assets, reduce overall operating costs and deliver a robust, resilient and reliable communications infrastructure. Our services span planning and system design, through project delivery and ongoing maintenance and support.

Features / Benefits

  • Unification of emerging technologies to optimise the flow of information, improving asset performance, increasing energy efficiency and ensuring consistent supply
  • Management and control of networks and pipelines across large operational areas
  • Utilisation of narrow band telemetry data to provide greater insight on network performance
  • Innovative technology such as Simoco Pulse and telemetry solutions also act as a gateway to the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices


Oil and Gas Market Brochure

Download the brochure to find out how Simoco Wireless Solutions enables oil and gas providers to improve asset management and efficiencies across grids and pipelines.

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