What is primary SCADA?

Primary SCADA systems are used to monitor and control critical power networks, continuously checking all aspects of the network and reporting on any changes.

Many companies are now finding that their legacy SCADA and telemetry systems no longer meet the demands of mission-critical networks, which need to handle vast amounts of data as well as voice, and remain secure and resilient in the face of a dynamic cybersecurity landscape.

As such, they are increasingly looking to upgrade to modern, resilient, future-proofed systems.

Our solutions

Simoco Wireless Solutions’ primary SCADA offering, Xm, is underpinned by mesh networking. This offers a new model of seamless mobility, transforming wireless data communications for utility companies around the world. Mesh solutions route data through multiple access points spread across large geographical areas. They are connected through a dispersed network of nodes that ‘talk’ to each other to share the network connection. Similar to the way packets travel around the internet, dynamic routing capabilities in each device allow data to hop from device to device until it reaches the destination.

Xm provides high throughput, reliability, resilience and security for utility automation and other critical applications. Unlike cumbersome wired networks, Xm offers the flexibility to extend the reach of existing networks, and mesh solutions can be rapidly deployed and easily scaled to meet both current and future requirements.

Mesh networks provide the required ease of deployment and high throughput in even the most challenging environments. Multi-hopping enables them to be self-healing, and extraordinarily flexible and resilient. Consequently, mesh networks can provide many new capabilities and usage models that simply aren’t possible with any other wireless architecture.

Features / benefits

    • Easy to configure and maintain – basic IP knowledge is sufficient to manage this mission-critical SCADA system.
    • High data speed and throughput – 166 kbps / 50 kHz, 42 kbps / 12,5 kHz, 11 kbps / 6,25 kHz
    • Optimisation – embedded optimisation triples throughput on the radio channel, making utilities companies more scalable.
    • Long range – one radio can hop over 50km and a line of sight is not required.
    • Security - licensed bands protect utilities companies’ data from cybercrime.
    • Reliability – all units are tested to the highest standards, ensuring optimum uptime and a secure power supply for customers.