Mobile Workforce

It’s no secret that the international prevalence of smartphones, tablets and other mobile internet devices has exploded in recent years. Back in 2008, Mary Meeker, an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Byers, predicted that mobile would overtake fixed internet access globally  by 2014. She was two years early, but in late 2016, smartphones and tablets were indeed used to access the internet globally more frequently than desktops and notebooks.


Push to talk

Every organisation will, at some point, have to facilitate a group conversation or discussion. That’s all very well if it can take place face-to-face, in a meeting room. But what happens when that group is dispersed over several different locations, or when individual members of that group are on the move and using different forms of communication?


Confined Space Engineering

When implementing a unified critical communications network in any environment, there are always issues and challenges to be overcome.  However, when implementing one in a confined space those challenges are augmented, and an entirely new set of difficulties is presented.

Developing a comprehensive communications network that can perform in adverse environments such as road or rail tunnels, or more industrial settings such as mines is not only important to delivering operational success either. Having reliable communications infrastructure in place is a must in order to ensure the safety of any members of staff or the public who may be using the space too. Operators need systems and technologies that can withstand challenging conditions and provide reliable and safe links for those in the confined environment.
