Xfin Base Soft Dispatcher is a PC application that can run on a standard personal computer. It provides both dynamic call handling and Base station switching functionality in a single IP based application. In excess of 50 Dispatchers on a network where each can dynamically monitor and control up to 12 Base stations simultaneously from a simple to use and intuitive, PC based user interface. Each Base station can handle up to 12 concurrent dispatcher connections on numerous sites.
Status and activity, with the functionality to initiate calls and set up talk through conversations at the click of a mouse or touch screen.
Peer to peer IP connectivity means that all operators can view and monitor calls anywhere on the radio system and even check base station receive signal strength. What’s more with IP connectivity and distributed database technology, Dispatchers can be located anywhere there is a network connection enabling cost effective remote working and disaster recovery options.
Initial release functionality addresses core voice calling features, however, later software releases will extend functionality to include Selcall signalling, radio to telephone, and dispatcher to telephone interconnection in addition to dispatcher to dispatcher interconnection.