European Utility Week 2017

European Utility Week is one of the biggest events in the utilities calendar, and this year’s event was no exception. Held earlier this month, EUW saw more than 12,000 of the industry’s leading professionals, from over 100 countries, gather in Amsterdam for three days of networking, sharing insights and learning about the newest and most exciting developments in the utilities industry.

Attendees included representatives from over 480 utilities, 550 speakers and over 600 world-class exhibitors, of which Simoco Wireless Solutions is proud to have been one.


Emergency Services

The importance of our emergency services and the depth of their contribution to society cannot be overestimated.

Rapid response units, for the police, fire and ambulance services, all rely on a robust communications network to share information keeping their colleagues in the loop and saving lives.

In practice, this network will look very different depending on the service that is being provided, the location and the kind of emergencies they will typically be dealing with. However, Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) is one of the core communication technologies at the heart of many public safety operations.


Facility Management

‘Single site’ covers a lot of bases. Single site organisations can be as small as an individual shop or office – or as huge and complex as hospitals, universities and even festival sites and holiday parks. Clearly, such sites have very different communications challenges from their smaller cousins.

Thousands or even tens of thousands of people work across these large single site organisations. Some, of course, are unique to particular sectors, such as the health practitioners in hospitals, but a huge proportion operate in all industries, from cleaners and maintenance staff to security personnel. These staff make up facilities management – and for them, communications are critical.


IWCE 2017

Well that’s it… another memorable IWCE has drawn to a close.

Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the leading annual expo for the communications technology industry, staged once more at the Las Vegas Conference Centre in Nevada, USA, brought together some of the world’s leading companies to share knowledge, showcase the latest products, discuss industry trends and developments, and network.


Smart Energy

Imagine the scenario. The country is shrouded in darkness. Power and utility systems have systems have failed. Unrest is breaking out as public services fail…

This nightmare situation could be possible if hackers shut down the UK electricity network, and as a result, concerns about attacks on critical infrastructure are currently a major worry for governments and security experts across the world.
