Global threats vs unified-communications

Better Intelligence and Communications are needed to counter current global environmental threats.

The World Economic Forum’s annual risks report has consistently since 2012 highlighted extreme weather, climate action failure and human environmental damage in the top five risks to global habitation. The breakout of the Covid-19 pandemic early in 2020, understandably made it into the top five in 2020’s WEF annual risk report, but despite the impact that the pandemic has wrought across the world, the top three risks are still environmental.


Comms Connect Award Winners

Comms Connect is always a key event for critical communications in the Australasia region. This year due to COVID-19, the show went virtual. Leading professionals from all over Australia and the rest of the World debated where the critical communications industry is heading. Peter Scarlata CEO Simoco Australasia presented on a major talking point in the industry: “Next-generation land mobile radio systems — how does the industry keep radio relevant”, the presentation was very well received by industry peers.


Clean your Radio

A number of our customers have been asking us about the recommended guidance of cleaning our radios and accessories during the corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak. It is not fully known how long the corona virus lasts on surfaces but recent tests carried out by scientists show it can survive for a minimum of 72 hours, this study was originally published in the preprint database medRxiv on March 11. A revised version was published March 17 in The New England Journal of Medicine. There are some reports of the virus which can survive on plastic or metal surfaces for up to 9 days.


Mudbash Jamboree

Last month saw the annual motor sport event Mudbash run by the Rover Section of Scouts Australia held on the Queen’s birthday weekend which fell on Friday the 7th of June until Monday the 10th of June 2019 and combines CAMS supported motor sport, general activities and camping. The event which saw its 47th anniversary attracted over 1500 participants and visitors.


Emergency Services

The importance of our emergency services and the depth of their contribution to society cannot be overestimated.

Rapid response units, for the police, fire and ambulance services, all rely on a robust communications network to share information keeping their colleagues in the loop and saving lives.

In practice, this network will look very different depending on the service that is being provided, the location and the kind of emergencies they will typically be dealing with. However, Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) is one of the core communication technologies at the heart of many public safety operations.
