First Responder using P25 phase 2

In the realm of emergency response, the ability to communicate seamlessly is nothing short of a lifeline. Recognising this crucial need, we at Simoco Wireless Solutions have introduced our P25 Phase 2 technology. Our Multi-mode digital platform features P25 Phase 1 and 2, DMR, Analogue and MPT1327. Designed for ambulances and first responders, this innovative communication solution is poised to redefine how emergency services operate in critical situations. Let’s explore the unique features and benefits that make our P25 Phase 2 a game-changer for those on the front lines.


As the Comms Connect event approaches, the anticipation for Simoco Wireless Solutions exhibiting is building. With our track record of innovation and commitment to advancing communication technologies, Simoco is set to showcase the future of communications. Whether you are in public safety, transportation, utilities, or any other industry reliant on effective communication, Simoco’s solutions can offer valuable insights and solutions to enhance your operations. This blog gives insight into what will be showcased at the Comms Connect.



Join the Simoco Wireless Solutions and Thorcom team at BAPCO and discover how we are changing the way communication is defined. Whether you are interested in the latest emerging technologies or exploring ways to enhance your current communication networks, you won’t want to miss this free to attend event.

Some of the topic we will cover include: