
Simoco Wireless Solutions has been offering a vast range of solutions to the transportation industry across six decades. From airports, to rail, roads or tunnels, Simoco has delivered reliable, resilient and scalable communications network integrating multiple technologies and increasing capacity demands of developing transport infrastructure projects. The transportation industry is moving at a rapid pace of development over recent years as demand increases and criteria for success widens, and enhancements in technology have been constant and essential.



Simoco Wireless Solutions know that communications are the heart of safe and productive operations in remote underground mining environments. Systems architecture and the nature of operations are complex and highly specialised and operators need systems and technologies that can with stand harsh conditions and provide reliable and safe links for their workforces.

With more than 60 years’ experience and expertise, Simoco Wireless Solutions is an established expert in unifying divergent,complex and highly specialised technologies, which enable mining companies to take advantage of new communications functionality.


SDP660 DMR Portable Advanced

The SDP660 Advanced DMR Portable radio has continued to evolve as an enhanced DMR radio which boasts a rich feature set and improved durability with modifications made to the antenna, PTT,  battery and keypad. The radio works on numerous modes such as DMR Tier II conventional and DMR Tier III trunked as well as conventional analogue mode which allows customers to migrate their analogue radio systems to digital.

The advanced DMR portable radio has new exciting features that now come as standard. Some of these features include: MPT1327 which allows for terminal led migration, OTAP to allow remote fleet management, AES256 encryption for protection against eavesdropping and Full Duplex to allow more natural flowing conversations.


Single Frequency Repeat

Implementing a critical communications network often has issues and challenges that need overcoming. Implementing one in an environment that is particularly hostile to radio coverage is further challenging as it can present coverage blackspots for radio communication. For instance, typical operations could involve groups of people communicating in particularly narrow gorges, shallow caves or relatively small buildings.

A Simoco 600 / 700 series DMR radio terminal (mobile or portable) with the Single Frequency Repeater (SFR) feature enabled will repeat on slot 2 traffic received on slot 1. The DMR radio terminal essentially serves as a single frequency DMO repeater.


Distributed architecture

Many new radio communication systems require a significant upfront investment, which means it may take several years to generate a return on investment. Simoco Xd does not require large amounts of physical infrastructure to be installed, rather, it scales up through IP. Expanding the network simply involves installing new base stations all connected via the IP infrastructure.

Simoco have gone further than anyone else in maximising DMR’s unique capabilities, developing a standards-compliant system built on a fully distributed architecture. Our Simoco Xd DMR solution is more scalable, flexible, resilient and cost-effective than alternative DMR offerings.


Mobile Workforce

It’s no secret that the international prevalence of smartphones, tablets and other mobile internet devices has exploded in recent years. Back in 2008, Mary Meeker, an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Byers, predicted that mobile would overtake fixed internet access globally  by 2014. She was two years early, but in late 2016, smartphones and tablets were indeed used to access the internet globally more frequently than desktops and notebooks.


Dispatch and AVL

Visibility is a key challenge for every organisation. Understanding what is going on within the business – particularly as it grow and changes – is critical in order to retain control of that business, and ensure it grows in the right way.

Yet visibility means a multitude of different things. It can mean understanding what different staff members are working on at different times. It can mean keeping track of which products and services are selling better than others. And, in the case of organisations incorporating a fleet of vehicles, it can mean knowing where each of those vehicles are located, where they are travelling to, and where they need to go next.


Push to talk

Every organisation will, at some point, have to facilitate a group conversation or discussion. That’s all very well if it can take place face-to-face, in a meeting room. But what happens when that group is dispersed over several different locations, or when individual members of that group are on the move and using different forms of communication?



A technological transformation is taking place across the UK’s rail network. As discussed in this article on the Network Rail website, a new ‘Digital Railway’ strategy has officially been launched, taking one of the UK’s most iconic forms of transport into a new era. Both trains themselves and the tracks they run on are increasingly being controlled by digital technology, from upgrades from old analogue signals, to digital control of the trains themselves on the likes of the new Crossrail line. As the chief executive of Network Rail has said, this is the biggest technological revolution on the railways since the transition from steam to diesel in the 1960s.



The date is fast approaching for international expo and plenary MEGATRANS2018; held at the Melbourne Convention Centre from the 10th to the 12th of May.

MEGATRANS2018 is a key event within the Australian and international supply chain sector, bringing together those who plan, implement and control the efficient, effective forward flow and storage of goods, services and related information from product inception to the end user.
