Black Start back up technology picture

In today’s interconnected world, the reliability and resilience of power systems are crucial. Black Start and System Restart Ancillary Services (SRAS) play a vital role in restoring power after a widespread outage. At Simoco Wireless Solutions, we understand the importance of these processes and the potential of modern technologies like edge computing and advanced radio communications to enhance their effectiveness. (more…)

Secured Smart Grid cybersecurity: Fortifying Energy Networks Against Cyber Threats

Understanding the Landscape

In a time of interconnected devices and rapid digital transformation, the progress of the energy sector has been nothing short of extraordinary. The use of grids has ushered in unprecedented efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability in the distribution and consumption of electricity. However, with great innovation comes great responsibility, especially concerning cybersecurity. (more…)

Communication is a critical component in the life-saving work of firefighters. In emergency situations, reliable and efficient communication can make all the difference in saving lives and minimising risks. Simoco Wireless Solutions has been at the forefront of providing cutting-edge communication solutions. In this blog post, we will explore how Simoco Wireless Solutions’ P25 Phase 2 is revolutionising communication for firefighters, ensuring they have the tools they need to respond swiftly and effectively to emergencies.


As the Comms Connect event approaches, the anticipation for Simoco Wireless Solutions exhibiting is building. With our track record of innovation and commitment to advancing communication technologies, Simoco is set to showcase the future of communications. Whether you are in public safety, transportation, utilities, or any other industry reliant on effective communication, Simoco’s solutions can offer valuable insights and solutions to enhance your operations. This blog gives insight into what will be showcased at the Comms Connect.


There are over 1500 not-for-profit housing associations across the United Kingdom, with 2 million homes lived in by over 5 million people. The sheer amount can often leave long delays for property repairs and upkeep, with many slipping through the cracks, leaving housing associations with significant repair bills. When a property hasn’t been maintained or severely neglected it can cause further problems such as mould and dampness. In some instances, faulty or broken equipment such as a fire alarm or carbon dioxide alarm can be dangerous and against the law with possible penalties. (more…)

Industrial IoT 4.0

While the number of smart and connected devices continues to grow at an expeditious rate, IoT is no longer just about monitoring equipment performance. Increasingly, the value of IoT comes from collecting machine data to distinguish efficiencies that can be made for improvement. In today’s unprecedented global economy, routine visits to check a machine’s status or service can be an unrealistic and costly exercise. Remote monitoring of Industrial IoT devices offers several benefits to manufacturers of all sizes. Connected IoT devices make operational and performance data about machines fully accessible anywhere and at any time. Autonomous manufacturing with IoT allows key decisions on changes in strategy to be made instantaneously to match the data.


Data Centre

Data centres pack high processing power in considerably smaller space. High density computing environments can be a huge drain on operating budgets with rising energy demand and power costs. By their very nature, data centres consume a lot of energy and infrastructure power requirements can in turn drive up operating costs. Like anything else that requires electricity, data centres rely on power for just about everything. No power, no data centre. In today’s age where utility bills are continuing to increase, data centre managers are looking for lucrative ways to reduce power consumption and ultimately their utility bills by addressing this with technology that can provide energy efficiency.


Why are smart buildings important?

What are smart buildings?

Smart technology might appear to be a fairly new term for most people, but it can be traced back to 1966 when the very first home automation platform was invented by Jim Sutherland and named Echo lV. The device was capable of storing recipes, relaying messages, turning appliances on and off and controlling the temperature of the building. (more…)

Simoco Wireless Solutions is proud to be a platinum sponsor of Comms Connect. Comms Connect is at the forefront of exhibitions for the critical communications sector in Australia. It allows industry experts to share ideas and introduce pioneering technology and key trends that are changing the critical communication landscape. Leading professionals from around the world debate where the critical communications industry will be heading in the future.


The Mining industry can often be a dangerous place to work with various hazards encountered by the miners. A report produced from the Western Australia mineral industry indicated that over 458 injuries occurred in Western Australia alone. While 98 people died on 3 separate occasions due to the mine collapses in South Africa and Russia in 2021.
